Security Analysis of a Hash-Based Secret Sharing Scheme


1 School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran

2 School of Engineering, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran


Secret sharing schemes perform an important role in protecting se-cret by sharing it among multiple participants. In 1979, (t; n) threshold secret sharing schemes were proposed by Shamir and Blakley independently. In a (t; n) threshold secret sharing scheme a secret can be shared among n partic-
ipants such that t or more participants can reconstruct the secret, but it can not be reconstructed by t - 1 or fewer participants. The proposed schemes by Shamir and Blakley have some drawbacks. Multi-secret and veri able schemes were invented to improve old schemes. We analysis the security of hash based
secret sharing schemes, and show that the schemes have some drawbacks. In particular it is shown that the the schemes are not resistant against deceptive behavior by dealer and participants.


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