An Effective Algorithm in a Recommender System Based on a Combination of Imperialist Competitive and Firey Algorithms


1 Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch, Damghan, Iran

2 School of Engineering, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran


With the rapid expansion of the information on the Internet, recommender systems play an important role in terms of trade and research. Recommender systems try to guess the user's way of thinking, using the in-formation of user's behavior or similar users and their views, to discover and then propose a product which is the most appropriate and closest product of user's interest. In the past decades, many studies have been done in the field of recommender systems, most of which have focused on designing new recommender algorithms based on computational intelligence algorithms. The success of a recommender system besides the quality of the algorithm depends on other factors such as: Sparsity, Cold start and Scalability in the performance of a recommender system, which can affect the quality of the recommendation. Consequently, the main motivation for this research is to providing an effective meta heuristic algorithm based on a combination of imperialist competitive and firefly algorithms using clustering technique. The simulation results of the proposed algorithm on real data sets Move Lens and Film Trust have shown better forecast accuracy in the item recommendation to users than other algorithms presented in subject literature. Also the proposed algorithm can choose appropriate items among the wide range of data and give it to output in a reasonable time.


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